Wednesday, October 20, 2010

hong kong from a bus

I recently went to hong kong for work, and since it was for work, I didn't really plan to go our since there was not time - we arrived saturday afternoon and were leaving sunday morning so it was a really short trip.

I had no expectations of enjoying Hong Kong, but it was one of the most fascinating trip I had, as it turns out. My only trip around Hong Kong was the trip from the airport to the hotel, in an airport bus.

The only night i had was also one of the most fun I had. The suppliers we worked with took us out after the long meeting that ended at around 1030 in the evening. They took us to the top floor of crown regency - it was an open air bar straight out of the movies. I was half expecting James Bond to land from a plane to the deck bar, in his tuxedo, as he is handed out his signature martini, shaken, not stirred. Or perhaps Batman rushing out to the edge of the swanky bar as he awaits his bat plane to hook him up with his latest criminal in tow, to be handed out to the FBI in Gotham.

But of course, there was nothing of that. We had drinks and a few laughs and an overall pleasant, loud night as we had two nightcaps at two more bars after that.

But of course, before the night out, the best part - as I have mentioned earlier - was the trip in the airport bus from the airport to the hotel.

Here are some snap shots:

hong kong airport
housing projects

cargo bay

mall facade

private sports club with a HK landmark in the background

landmark buildings from a different view

the ubiquitous red taxis - very reliable

funny bewildering hong kong signs and their english translations

views from my hotel room, where i stayed for a record 6 hours, 5 of which is asleep

my name, scrambled and murdered yet again, and i am fine with it. it made me laugh!

Lost tourists

This short trip gave me a glimpse of Hong Kong that, surprisingly, I never enjoyed before. I've been to this route for a few times in the past and it has never been as enjoyable. I guess the thrill of having a short trip forced me to look at Hong Kong with a fresh eye. And I am glad I enjoyed the trip, even if I wasn't able to shop.

bigboy promises to get back to you soon with new news! nunus!

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