Sunday, May 19, 2013

Summers of Insomnia


I'm back! yet again...
It's almost midnight and part of my life has been my insomnia since i was a kid. And part of my zooming thoughts now is "I wonder what happened to my blog?" Bam! Here I am! And to my surprise, my past month blog view is 522. Yes. Five Hundred twenty two. The highest page view in a month since I started my blog. And to think that my last post was September 2011. And it's about bagnet. And all its wonderful variations in a little place named after its registered number (see below).

and So I am back.
As I've mentioned, I have been an insomniac since I was a kid. And I think this malady of sorts, if you can call it that, was really exacerbated by summers of long readings in between high school breaks, with my older brother who shared my room. We would do marathon book readings during summer, and sometimes, we would challenge to finish a book in a day or two. So we would hole up in our room, reading like its an actual sports activity. We were lucky that our parents really encouraged this, and my paternal grandmother, who was a college professor, was a book collector, mostly fiction, and was also a notorious insomniac (I think I got it from her). It doesn't end there. If we have favorite books, we would swap. After reading it, we would discuss it. hahahaha! Nerd alert!

Of course, it wasn't always something my parents encourage. There were times that my mom would actually barge into our room early in the morning, on top of her voice, say, gising na!! She knows we were reading the whole night. She would literally throw us out of the room, so we can "contribute" to the long list of chores to do, and also to urge us to go out. That was high school. When we were in grade school, she made it her ultimate goal to keep us inside the house, and we were always outside, playing, telling stories till night time, sometimes walking or biking around till we were outside the 5 kilometer radius of our house (of course she doesn't know that, TILL NOW!). Sometimes, my mom would inspect us in the middle of the night, just to check on all of us. That was how we sharpened our talents for reading under the sheets. Of course, my mom would also always catch my older sister on the phone, in the dark, whispering to whoever she was talking to. Between us and my sister, she was always the greater evil then hahaha. So, we got away with our reading addiction.

Such were our summers. Summers of Insomnia. If we weren't reading, my kuya and i would be talking, exchanging stories till the wee hours of the night, sometimes till dawn. We loved it. I and my brother were never content with just, "It's ok","It's good", for an answer. That is totally lame. If you ask any one of the two of us, "How was your day?", prepare to sit back and listen to a full discourse on how our day was, with rich, detailed explanations and descriptions of details, it could actually rival the books we read.

Nowadays, my readings are confined to the bathroom. I read sparingly, due to so many other stuff that consumer my life - work, family, etc. I sure would love to go back to those summers. I plan to go back to a reading life, when I retire early. So far, it's still just a wish, never a plan.

My current read - Honeymoon and other stories by Kevin Canty. Very nice read. Short and sweet. Short Stories are great bathroom reads, especially if the bathroom is inside your room LOL
bigboy promises to get back to you soon with new news! nunus!

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