Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I might be one of the lucky ones who still has a living father till now. I know of friends who lost their dads at an early age, friends who lost their dads when they were young men and some who even recently lost theirs. It is a humble experience to note that no matter what, you will see yourself in your dad (and in your mom) somehow, even if it isn't something you would care to like.

My dad is cool in a way that he never worries - something that i took early on as a lack of care. Of course, that built in my mind and heart a strong dislike and furstration as I was growing up. I wanted him to be somebody else - don't we all want that?

But as I grew old (and grew in wisdom, I suppose) I realized that changing your parents, or anybody else, is not your business. I have learned to love and respect my dad now that he is old. He has his ways, as everyone else, and most of the time, people misjudge him, especially the very ones that he loves. Yes, he loves us in his own way - in a way that he knows exactly what you want and what you need at any given time, as you grow up. He loves us in a way that makes him wake up early in the morning to take care of the pets that you promised to take care yourself, in the first place. He loves us in a way that he quietly lets you get your way even if it is not right, and will not mumble a word against it, and wouldn't use it against you in the future. He will just keep quiet and move on.

My dad is a cool dad in a way that he was never ashamed to hug us or kid with us, even when we are all fully grown. Most of all, my dad made up for all his faults by giving us what he does best - cooking for us, opening cans and bottles, fixing old furnitures and stuff, opening us to new hobbies and interest, taking the time and effort to like what we like (even when I know he wouldn't do it for anyone else, not even in a million years). He didn't have much to give us in terms of material wealth and didn't try too hard, since he knows he's not good at it. But boy did he make up for it. He can build a house for me, heck, I know he will do anything for me - without so much as a grumble or a word of complaint. In fact, he never complains.

So for all these things, and for all his shortcomings, I wouldn't trade my dad for anyone else, no matter what others will say. I love my Dad! Happy Father's Day, Pops!

bigboy promises to get back to you soon with new news! nunus!