My early morning was greeted with a very sad, heavy news. Somehow, though, as much as I want to be too emotional about it, I wasn't.

I was stunned, despite the fact that I knew it was going to happen anytime soon.

We all knew Cory was sick. I had the same reaction when my lola from my mom's side and my lola and lolo from my dad's side died - dumbstruck reaction, wishing there were tears flowing from my eyes; this reaction is somehow reserved to people and family close to my heart. When my best friend from high school died too soon, it was also the same reaction i exhibited.Somehow, too, I wasn't too amused with the furor over Cory's passing. I wanted to be selfish and set the sorrowful time for myself. I guess the whole country was feeling the same way. Cory was my mother, my protector, my torch of courage! This sorrow is mine alone! But I guess this was also the same feeling for all Filipinos worldwide. For all her failings, courageous acts, resounding successes, fearless views and unconditional love for the country, I was exposed to much realities about the state of our country.

It wasn't a good sight, but somehow, having Cory on our side, on my side, made it all alright. And it set my heart at once ablaze and comforted, knowing that she will always be there for me, for us! How I wish i could shed a river of tears now. But I don't. This reaction will only be for people and family close to my heart. And my heart will always have a part of it etched with her name, a part of it cut and taken with her to her peaceful rest. Paalam po. Mahal ko po kayo magpakailanman...